There Are No Words...
>> Saturday, October 31, 2009
You know, there really are no words to explain how we all feel about our animals. They are so much a part of who we are that if you are reading this blog, I don't even have to explain what I mean.
Last night I went to the barn late (about 10:30) to deliver a cake that needed to be at the annual potluck and trail ride today. I couldn't be there because I had to work. Anyway, after I had the cake safely tucked away, I went into Tango's barn to say goodnight to him and give him an apple.
The boy was sound asleep. If horses could curl up in a ball, I would tell you that's how Tango was. Since they really can't curl up in balls, he was about as close as you can get. On top of that, he was snoring. He was so adorable I can't even tell you. I blew him a kiss and tiptoed out of the barn and.....
back to the car where Annabelle and Maddie had their little faces pressed to the window waiting for me. On the way home, I couldn't help but think how lucky I lucky WE are. All of us have a special bond with our animals.
How can you explain that bond to a person who doesn't know the love that goes beyond just owning a pet? I don't think you can.
Anyway, I got way off track here. The video below is of a girl by the name of Stacy Westfall. She is riding her horse without a saddle or reins or even a halter. She is riding in a show where tensions run high. She is riding less than a month after the death of her father. She IS riding.
The bond between this girl and her horse is so evident, I had to share. You may need tissues...I did.