She puts us to sleep just talking about it. Imagine that! Our mom talking!!!
We've been on plenty of walks lately because the weather's finally settled down. In fact, the sun's been shining for a few days in a row.
We've walked around the block. We've walked in the park. We've taken walks during the day and we've taken them at night.
In fact, just a few nights ago Christian and Alexa stayed all night. Christian was the great night leader. He carried a flashlight and we followed him and his bright light. The kid's pretty darn cute. Yes, we get to go on walks...but they're just walks.
Now, compare our walks to Tango's! Who do you think gets to have the most excitement.
We think we deserve a trip to Disneyland at the very least! Or better than that, if she'd just stop singing HAPPY TRAILS before she goes for a ride that would help. Her trail riding stories are getting old too!
It's our turn for something better...wouldn't you agree? The dog days of summer are just around the corner. We need to have a plan of action! Help!!!